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Nourishing Your Mind,
Body and Soul

Unlocking Cellular Memory: The Key to Healing

Our bodies are remarkable repositories of our experiences. Traumas, whether from past lives, past events, or ingrained patterns from early programming, can become embedded in our cellular memory. These memories are not merely stored in our brains; they permeate every cell in our body, influencing our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

The Science of Cellular Memory

Cellular memory suggests that cells in our body can hold onto experiences and emotions, much like our brain. Studies indicate that trauma and stress can cause long-lasting changes in cellular function. For example, chronic stress can alter cellular processes, affecting how our body responds to new stressors and potentially leading to various health issues.

The Role of the Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is a powerful force, operating beneath the surface of your conscious awareness. It is responsible for running up to 95% of your daily functions, from habitual actions to emotional responses. This means that much of what drives our behavior and reactions is rooted in the subconscious, shaped by past experiences and deep-seated memories.

Past Lives and Cellular Memory

For those who believe in reincarnation, the idea that traumas from past lives can be carried into the present through cellular memory offers a compelling explanation for certain phobias, unexplained physical symptoms, or emotional patterns. This theory suggests that unresolved issues from previous existences can manifest in our current life, seeking resolution and healing.

Techniques for Releasing Cellular Memories and Energy Blocks

To unlock and release cellular memories, energy blocks, and subconscious beliefs, various therapeutic techniques can be employed:

  • Integrated Energy Therapy (IET): IET is a healing technique that uses the power of gentle touch to clear energy blockages and release suppressed emotions. It focuses on specific energy points in the body to release stored trauma and promote emotional healing.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): Also known as tapping, EFT involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or emotion. This technique helps to clear emotional blockages, reduce stress, and reprogram the subconscious mind.

  • Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious mind to uncover and address deep-seated beliefs and traumas. Through guided relaxation and focused attention, it allows for the release of past traumas and the reprogramming of negative patterns.

These techniques can help you tap into the subconscious mind and cellular memory,

facilitating profound healing and transformation. By addressing the root causes of your challenges, you can achieve a state of harmony and well-being.


For over 20 years, I have been helping people overcome physical and emotional challenges, and I absolutely love what I do.

 I am confident that my expertise and passion will help you achieve your goals and live your best life. 


Read Testimonials Below

Certifications include:


Theta Healing

Emotional Freedom Technique

Master Instructor and Practitioner of Integrated Energy Therapy

B.A. in Metaphysical Science. 

All of our "issues" are just programs and frequencies embedded in cellular memory and the subconscious.- Thea

While gaining some knowledge about specific therapies is beneficial, we can explore the most suitable approach for you during your
FREE Consultation 
Email me, text or call with your availability and let's move forward!
What are you waiting for? 


Emotional Freedom Technique

A transformative approach that blends the wisdom of ancient Chinese acupressure with the power of modern psychology.

EFT works on the principle that subconscious beliefs are running the show. 

 By gently tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on your challenges, EFT releases the subconscious frequencies and rewires the neural and electrical pathways enhancing a new and restored energy, and mindset. A new, upgraded better version of YOU, will emerge. 



Heartlinked Healing Therapy

A deeply spiritual and transformative healing modality that harmonizes the body's energy by releasing trapped emotions and energy blockages. This therapy is rooted in the understanding that our emotions are intricately connected to our wellbeing.

 By addressing these emotional and energetic imbalances, H.H.T facilitates a profound healing in all areas of your life. 

This method can be done in person or remotely. 

Learn more

"Healing is not just about recovering, it's about embracing what can be".

Anchor 2

"What a beautiful experience. She meets you energistically and addresses what is necessary for healing at the time. After releasing negative emotions she can get to the real core issues. Her work is amazing. Imagine if Western Medicine were trained in practicing this holistic art" 

Anne Diamond, Artist 

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I was a skeptic and told Thea so. She laughed and said, "that's ok, so was I" 

Her understanding of my views made me so comfortable. I was 

moved by the compassion Thea has and how she changed my outlook in life. 


Thea is truly one of the good guys With so much need for healing in our world, I’m truly grateful for her.

I’ve worked with Thea in releasing some of my own toxic sludge and have experienced amazing results " Rock On!

Greg Boudle

Recovery Life Coach, Author and Speaker 


Dotty (Thea) is a good friend of mine, but also an amazing healer. She worked on Ms. Clover fussypants hater of life yesterday and today, she is like a new baby, peaceful and content. Thank you! And that was after only one distance session. You are magic!

Sarah H. 

Reiki  Practiotner and  Doula 


tom tm_edited.jpg

"After a session with Thea I feel more relaxed, uplifted and positive. She helped me to realize what I was really yearning for and my business has soared. "  


    Tom Zaimes,

Mortgage Broker, Speaker


"Training with Thea has opened my heart to higher realities. She is a role model and I am grateful for her" 

Dr. Candice McCoy

Teacher and  Founder of 

The Healing House 



"Without Thea, I would not have been ablle to find my light" 


 Kathi Cipriano

Retired Realtor, Living the Dream


I have been involved in Energy healing for a long time and never experienced anything like this!!

Thea was in depth and in tune.


Collenn Holthe 

All of our "issues" are just programs and frequencies embedded in cellular memory and the subconscious.- Thea

5-star reviews

"For those that are rediscovering

(or discovering) their spiritual path, this book helps connect the dots between the mysteries of the world, and the energetic power that humans hold"... Laura B.


"A great read. Not only the stories, but the educational information was eye opening. The author is able to present information in a way that is easy to intake with a sprinkle of humor that is refreshing. I've already been recommending this book to friends, it's a must read. "The Real Us (and we're not crazy"! Priceless! "

(and we're not crazy) 

Struggling in your Business or Financial Goals. 
Do you have a yearning for more? 

Inspiration means "in- spirit"

Your desires are being ignited by your soul, but you aren't clear on how to move forward

You didn't incarnate on this Earth to fail, otherwise you wouldn't have a dream, however your subconscious beliefs about money and success are keeping you stuck. 

Learn how to shift the matrix, and watch life unfold. 

A man and a woman engaging in business.j
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