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Van Halen and Universal Intelligence

n my last publication, I wrote about the incredible affects music has on the pineal gland. For instance, notes in the key of A will activate the third eye as well as tones in 936 hertz and higher.

I summarized that listening to music will then stimulate your creativity, and increase your intuition. Also, hormones released during singing are responsible for generating feelings of intimacy. Bonds are formed between those who belt out tunes together.

This is why having some beers with your buddies while spinning your favorite albums brings you closer. Or maybe it is bourbon and ITunes, but you get the idea. Since we know bar brawls are brought on by alcohol and testosterone, we can assume it is the melodies that unite us.

For the ladies, maybe you are crying in your Merlot listening to Adele’s, Rolling in the Deep. She gets you and now you are her number one fan.

What connects us is the familiarity of the emotions behind the lyrics, the pounding of the drums that align with the beat of our hearts, the vibration of the riffs that ripple through our veins. — We are now ONE with the music and its composer.

If music is a universal language, then who are the ancestors of the dialect? Who inspires the composition?

According to Oxford Languages, the word Inspire is a combination of in- ‘into’ + spirare -‘breathe’. The word was originally used to indicate a divine or supernatural being offering a truth or an idea to a human.

In my translation- Inspire means IN SPIRIT.

The word music comes from the Greek word mousike which means of the Muses.

In Greek Mythology, The Nine Muses are daughters of Zeus.

· Calliope — the muse of epic poetry.

· Clio — the muse of history.

· Erato — the muse of love poetry.

· Euterpe — the muse of music.

· Melpomene- the muse of tragedy.

· Polyhymnia — the muse of sacred poetry.

· Terpsichore- the muse of dance.

· Thalia — the muse of comedy.

They were considered the architects of music, language and so on. Therefore it only made sense that all the ancient writers would seek their assistance before beginning their projects. We even see Homer seek out the guidance of the Muses in the Iiliad and Odyssey.

Painters depicted The Muses as ethereal creatures each with their own gifts.

The word museum also comes from the word mousike. Why not ,since they are the goddesses of all art forms.

This brings me to my own inspiration for this article. The idea came to me while out driving. Van Halen was playing on the radio. I always admired their abilities as artists but wouldn’t consider myself a fan. I mean, fans have albums, CDs and downloads. I don’t, but I did recently buy a Mustang convertible.

Having the top- down in the Florida sun makes me want to crank the volume. And when Van Halen is blasting it makes me want to hit the gas a little harder. Especially during Panama!

Jump back, what’s that sound? Here she comes, full blast’n top down

I wonder, if cops understand that the speed limit laws do not apply when classic ROCK is playing, Sammy Hagar understood the need to speed with the ferocious, I Can’t Drive 55, after getting a ticket in NY.

Because we share a love for fast cars and screaming guitars, V.H. and I are now eternally shackled.

The V.H. song playing that sunny day was You Really Got Me,-a Kinks original. I am not big a fan of cover songs, most bands crucify them, but Van Halen’s rendition of You Really Got Me, is OUTSTANDING.

For the first 1:42, Eddie Van Halen performs a guitar solo before David Lee Roth kicks it with “Girl. you really got me now. You got me so I don’t know what I’m doing”

Eddie’s solo was listed as a separate song on the debut album. It was titled Eruption. However, all the GOOD radio stations were playing them as one song. They blended in sweet perfection.

Eruption was not planned during the recording session. They never rehearsed it. It was Eddies warm up jam. Eddie always took time to get into his own groove, before joining the boys. But on one particular day, the studio technician happened to get his “eruption” all on tape. It was so damn good, that they added it to the album.

This is what we call genius. This is INSPIRATION. Something was coming through him, persuading his fingers to fly across the strings in perfect rhythm. Was it the Euterpe, the Greek Muse of music who spoke to him?

I personally do not believe in the Muses or any Gods like Poseidon who rules the sea, but I like to ponder. There is so much we do not know and I like the mystery and magic of it all.

Music is one of those things that fascinates me. I think it is a supreme talent to orchestrate words, voices, notes and instruments. I lean towards the idea that songs are a co-creation of the heart of man and the mind of a Universal Intelligence that we are all able to tap into.

In my opinion, music IS CREATION in it’s highest form.

Close Your Eyes and I’ll Kiss You.

Since my children were infants, I sang to them. I have three children and each one has a song that I hold dear to them.

My son, Donovan, ( Yep, just like the songwriter) was a tough one to get to sleep. I would get him to close his eyes while I sang, the Beatles hit, All My Loving. I would then kiss his sweet forehead.

Donovan was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. I had heard about the benefits of music therapy and took him to an instructor. She was blown away with his ability to “hear’ music. Donovan would hear a song and immediately be able to play it on the piano. Granted they were simple songs, but he could replicate the notes he heard by hitting one of those black or white keys. He just knew!

Unfortunately, she was such a strict teacher that Donovan lost his love of playing.

In my opinion he was a prodigy but she wanted to chain him to the “proper finger ” placement. He just wanted to make music. When you make a child cry because you don’t like his style, you kill a part of his SPIRIT.

Luckily, it didn’t squash his love for music. The guy is a walking encyclopedia of rock trivia. He must have gotten his music DNA from me. Thank God.

I recently discovered that Paul McCartney cannot read or write music. Actually none of the Beatles can. WHAT??

Paul said in an interview, “I don’t see music as dots on a page. It’s something in my head. The music just comes to me.

He stated that they often came to him in his dreams. He couldn’t write them on a scale upon rising, so he immediately sat at the piano and began to play what was in his head.

His “head” he said. It’s where the pineal gland sits so graciously- the radio receiver that transmutes notes from a higher octave.

We all have a heart and we all have a pineal gland that are so beautifully woven together. This is why we often know what a loved one is thinking, or doing. We jive on the same vibe and I will prove it to you.

As I sit here finalizing this writing I get a text from my son. He started a podcast a few weeks ago called Song Stories by Donovan, where he plays classic rock songs and shares insights into the albums. He wanted to let me know he was working on another episode- The album he chose to feature next would be the debut of Van Halen!!


Thea Williams, Ba. Msc, C.H.- lover of all things magical.


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