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These are a few of my favorite things 

Hand-Made in Small Batches with Loving Shamanic Energy


These Sacred Elixers for the Mind, Body and Spirit will empower you to feel better, more balanced, connected, relaxed, intuitive, creative, inspired, energetic, focused, and integrated. 

The ingredients are all-natural, organic, wild-crafted, GMO-free, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, and soy-free.        Check em out here! 


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It is simple.! Clean up the accumulated toxins and start your journey towards wellness. Your body knows how to heal




Rewire the Brain. Build Neurotransmitters. 


Ingredients are super important and the list here is outstanding. Not only do they include brain-enhancing nutrients, but also stress-reducing ingredients that increase blood flow to the brain. When we are more relaxed, we can think and CREATE.. Listen now for more information


If you are like me, what goes ON your body is just as important as what goes IN your body. This is the place for organic personal care and natural cosmetics. 

While you're there check out there organic remedies.  Shop Guilt Free 


Probably one of my favorite things ever.

Wish I had this when my kids were young. 

Every month get a box of all the supplies you need to create toxic-free beauty and home products. Unbelievable price. Cancel when you want or skip a month. No pressure!  Check it out




A blend of masala chai, cacao and adaptogenic mushrooms. Absorb Lion’s mane for focus, chaga and reishi for a healthy immune system, and cordyceps to promote natural energy. Turmeric and cinnamon are antioxidants and cacao lifts mood and energy. It's 100% organic with zero sneaky sweeteners added.

With 1/7 the caffeine as a cup of coffee, you get focus and energy without the jitters, crash and long nights of tossing.

The result? You, but superhuman.  Ready? 




Everything you have been told about FOOD in America  is a lie, unless of course you are familiar with Weston A Price and Nourishing Traditions..

I met Sally Fallon in person and hearing her speak for 6 hours was life changing. I never ate the same again and my mind and body are thankful

I read this book when I was going through some really tough times. I could feel the presence of a beautiful spirit as I held the book and reed the words. CAPTIVATING!

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